welcome to the crazy

Welcome to mugen no hoshi or muxho for short! We're an anime and manga themed, chat based guild and we tend to be pretty chill, talking about anything and everything, putting our anime/manga theme to the test and allowing even the most casual fam to join our humble (but crazy) abode.

But worry not as we're total weebs at our core and love the occasional heated discussion of which anime is the best or whose tastes is more trash.


05/14/19: Long overdue layout as usual but hey, what else is new? Thanks for being patient with us as always~ Hope you all are doing well and keeping afloat whether it be grinding through those courseworks or just going through the motions of life~

We'll try to resume AMW again sometime this week for first impressions (no promises, sorry guys!) and figure out how the second session for game nights will work. Do let us know if you all have any feedback or suggestions of how those will work. c:

-michelle (myonigiri)


layout by michelle (mochadroppe)

violet evergarden themed